

The other day I walked through the park. Coffee in one hand and the other safely in my pocket. This was the same park I played soccer at when i was little, the same park I met my friends before middle school started each day. Now I was walking alone through the canyon where fascination of the nature around me lasts only until a fly hits me in the face and brings me back to reality. I realized I dont even notice my surroundings much anymore. When was the last time I stopped to feel the wind brush against my face? I've been too absorbed in my daily routine lately to stop and appreciate life. I kinda miss the tire swing. I miss the simple happiness in falling down a slide. When did we all stop spinning around in circles, laughing at the dizzyness that takes hold? Now all thats spinning is my mind. Kids are happy running in sand or swinging. Why cant we do that anymore? Its the difference between the man sitting on the park bench reading a book and the man on his cell phone smoking a cigarette. That evening I really looked at the setting sun- the intoxicating beauty of colors as if the sky was a blank canvas and the sun was its artist. Sometimes I want to be that kid on the tire swing again. I want to be that man reading a book on a park bench. I want to be in a moment of simplicity. Maybe theres a balance in life where simplicity can meet harsh reality. We can discuss important issues on the sea saw. Maybe there we can find happiness until realily hits us in the face with a fly.


meant for you

I sat down today to write some of my most beautiful friends a song. It seemed like quite a mountain to climb because i didn't want to cheapen their wedding with a sub-par tune (it still may be that, I am legally blind in introspectives). Anyways, the song came together naturally. It was really fun to write a sappy love song, generally I write about the opposite so it was a breath of fresh air. Songs seem to work out the chaos we all endure. Sometimes they create more. The only thing clear to me is that a fifth sustains and a second decays and an honest lyric will bring us to our knees. Looking back at the lyrics I noticed that they gave off a 'praise the lord' sort of vibe but that was not my intention( definitely not my bag). I guess that their love is just that amazing. Congratulations.

meant for you

If you need some loving, you know you dont have to say.

If you have a heart ache, you know he'll take it away.

If you are in the dark, you know he'll show you the way.

And when you need arms to hold you, he's right there to keep you safe.

Nobody knows you, the way that he knows you.

So take the first step from being alone.

Nobody knows to trust with your whole heart, the way that you do.

So take the first step into the life that was meant for you.

*NOTE* This is a mushy love song, there are no religous conitations. Then again, if you like it for that reason,....GO NUTS!